Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sicky Baby

Auto correct immediately tried to change the title of this post from "sicky" to "sucky". Well played, auto-correct, well played.

Having a sick infant is the worst. Thankfully, we haven't had to deal with this beast until 7 months. For a while I thought it was because she was born with our rock-solid immune systems. That might be part of it, but I think it's mostly because she hasn't been exposed to very many sick babies. Unfortunately, getting sick is a necessary evil for her to build up the amazing immunity that her parents both have.

As we're working our way out of the woods from this first cold, I thought I'd compile a list of some things I learned. Turns out, treating infant sicklings is much different than treating yourself. Shocking, I know. 

-Psssh! That's no fever! That is literally exactly what my pediatrician said to me when I called the emergency phone number at 6:30am Monday morning in a panic over my daughters 100.5 degree temperature. Ok, maybe not what she said exactly, but in so many words. Mind you, this call was placed after the thermometer nearly blew up from flashing a bright red and beeping non-stop at me after taking her temp. What's a new mommy to do but panic!? That's why this list is so important. Turns out, 100.5 is nothing in terms of fever when it comes to newbies. In fact, it's barely a fever. You're only really entering into the realm of a "fever" when that child's temperature reaches around 104-105 degrees. I KNOW. Right?? Is your jaw on the floor? Because mine was. And it continued to be as my veteran mommy friends all agreed with my doctors response. Crazy. But, now I know, I guess.

-Said fever has a purpose. To put your panicky new mommy mind at ease while your taking your child's temperature over and over again and it's still flashing red, beeping, and showing a temp of over 100, try this mantra: it's helping her to get better. The fever is the body taking assault on the virus and making it go away. I can't tell you how many times I've had to remind myself of that in the last few days.

-Boogie Wipes. That kitschy baby shower gift you got that you were all like, "aww, what a cute idea!" even though you weren't really sure you'd ever use it? Well, I'm so thankful a certain girlfriend threw Boogie Wipes into my gift. Because those little wipes have officially won me over as a customer this week. They smell fantastic, are extra soft, and don't seem to irritate the skin above the lips like normal tissues do. And anything that will make my life easier with a less fussy baby is key in my book.

-Steaming is the bomb. To help your little sicky get some relief, give them a day at the spa. Turn that shower on as hot as it will go and let the steam envelope their lungs. Make sure to bring some toys along to keep that little one distracted and dress lightly, as you will be sweating your buns off. We've been doing steam showers over and over and over again. 

-Humidify. Our humidifier has been kicking at high speed all week. Supposedly this helps. I would have a better answer or be singing more praises if it took care of the sick problem within a matter of days. Unfortunately, according to my mommy friends, infant colds last for weeks. Now that's a stamina I'm not fond of.

-Those snot bulbs give me the shivers. Ugh. Those things are the worst! I don't think we've figured them out still. I've watched videos, Adam's tried, I've tried... we still can't seem to succeed in getting very much mucous out. Ick. I hate that word. Anyways, that bulb thing still brings me back to my childhood and being terrified of the "foofer" as we called it. Therefore, I'm having a hard time being ok with using it on my own child despite the little voice in my head that says "it'll make her feel better" as she's screaming at the top of her lungs while I torture her. Nose Frida is another option. That makes me want to gag, but I hear it's better? Any thoughts mama's?

-Sick baby snuggles rock. Ok, out of all of this misery, there is a bright spot. My little munchkin that is all too quickly growing out of the snuggly stage has suddenly become the world's best snuggler again. The feeling of knowing you are her mommy (or daddy) and your snuggles are just what she needs to feel better is the best in the world. 

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