Saturday, May 24, 2014

What are you looking at?!

Something has happened to my darling angel sweetie pie. That precious little girl has perfected the death stare.

Just kidding, she's really not always a darling angel sweetie pie. Along with this death stare we've entered into the phase of testing the limits...which is a phase that will of course last for the rest of her life. This meanie face originated after the umpteenth time of being told to stay away from the electrical sockets that are just waiting to give her the shock of her life. Don't worry, these sockets are covered with protectors and then a basket on top of them. But they must be really exciting because she tests the limits with inching her way towards it (looks back to see if she's been caught). Touching the fireplace brick the basket sits on (looks back to see if she's been caught yet), hearing a firm "Aaaadly", (looks back one more time) then dives for it. You're not that sneaky yet, missy! The face has also made appearances this week after she attempted to bite. Then scratch. Now I find myself diving into books again trying to figure out all the right and wrong ways to best teach your infant how to not be a little jerk.

Sigh. Life is SO hard at 10 months. Anyways, after a few days of associating the face with being upset, it now also appears randomly throughout the day. One minute she's happy as can be, the next she's ready to slice through you with the evilest of stares. Then she's right back to giggling and laughing (usually in response to me cracking up at her death glare). Whatever this change in attitude has been caused by, at least it is hilarious to look at. So glad we finally captured it on camera!

I swear I'm sweet!
Just kidding, sucka!! Put the camera down or I'll cut you!
Muahahahaha, PSYCHE!
WHAT are you looking at!?!

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