As I mentioned previously, we were recently in the process of moving. As I also mentioned, I was also facing a pretty major knee surgery. Of course, according to the way our lives go, all of these things culminated at the same time. Throw in a little grades being due, conferences, and Adam's impending return to work and we've had ourselves an F-5 sized life-tornado in the last month. And just as we had said after all the birthing and new parenthood craziness, we once again reminded ourselves, "if we can make it through all of this in the first 2 years of marriage, we can make it through anything!"
First, it was the opportunity to get out of our incredibly small apartment. As I've said, I loved that apartment. But it was just too small. Day in and day out, I found myself swearing up and down we needed to move out as soon as possible. Then one day the landlord randomly called and said if we wanted to get out of our lease early, we could, no problem. We jumped at the chance and within a few days found a new apartment that was twice the size. We sat on the apartment and went back and forth over whether we should take it or not. The plus-side was that it was HUGE. So. Much. Space. The downsides were no AC, no in-unit laundry, and the kicker...on the 3rd floor. Despite our hesitations, we just couldn't pass up the space. So we signed on it, preparing to move in April 1.
Two days later, my knee dislocated in front of my school. In the severe fall, I landed on my face, and was suddenly, literally smacked in the face by the realization that Adly very easily could have been in my arms. And when my knee dislocates, there is nothing to stop me from falling. This has been an ongoing issue I've been avoiding for years because, well, frankly it sucks. The surgery sucks and so does the recovery. Instead of repairing it, I had resolved to just "dealing" with the occasional dislocation and fall. This was all, of course, before having a child. Funny how they change your perspective on so many things.
This time I knew I couldn't just ignore it, so I set up an appointment with a top orthopedic specialist in Chicago and then within a week had a surgery date set for March 28th...a mere three weeks later. Suddenly we realized we needed to push up our move and ohmyword we were moving to a THIRD FLOOR apartment only one week before knee surgery. Such luck.
In the last three weeks, we've moved, we've unpacked quickly, and then I went in for surgery. Everything appears to have gone just fine. Or, as fine as possible. It was a major surgery. Three incisions. Lots of internal mending, tying, grafting, screwing and rebuilding. Let's just hope to everything thats heavenly above that I never have to deal with a loose kneecap again.
Thankfully, to aid in my repair has been my loving husband and daughter, as well as our family and friends...because, oh yeah, we have an 8 month old that needs constant care too. Suddenly, our household has become one of one parent and two babies. I can't do anything without his assistance, and neither can Adly. But, just like everything we've encountered in the last year and a half of marriage, we will get through it. We will come out stronger thanks to our love, the support of our family, and our endlessly amazing friends.
But let me tell you, I thought we'd hit rock bottom that early morning in the hospital room, bleary-eyed, hours after delivery with that awful spray bottle in hand. But no. There's lower. You haven't really experienced marriage until your husband is holding your leg up by the side of the tub, cheering you on as you try your best to squeeze out a non-existent poop after taking constipating pain medications for four days straight.
Yes, that, my friends, is true love.
Call it what you will, this little one has definitely known something's not right with mommy. She's been my little snuggle bug since I returned from the hospital on Friday.