This week has brought on the onset of what I'm starting to think of as, "What the hell took over K's body and turned it into the devil reincarnated?!?" Now, I have a temper from time to time- when I'm not pregnant. I'm stubborn and make it known when I'm upset or don't agree with something. Its a true Leo quality that I'm mostly proud of. But, due to these fiery tendencies, I've always been secretly a little scared of being pregnant due to all the horror stories that I've heard happen when hormones hijack your body and take it for a ride. I always knew I'd be no match for such things...and I'm finding that to be true very early on.
The interesting thing I'm finding about pregnancy hormones is that they are so strong--you can't stop them. I swear, you get upset over the toilet paper being the wrong way on the roll holder, then the tears and swear words start flowing and then you're not sure why you're so upset nor do you know how to stop it all, and then suddenly you realize you're crying over toilet paper. Its like in The Exorcist when Reagan's head spins around. Suddenly your possessed and there's no stopping the rage or the tears. A's gotten the brunt of it this week to the point I'm not sure if he knows what to say or how to look at me without myself going off the deep end. From what I've read, this is quite normal...I promise. Although, I know he doesn't think that right now....nor does he necessarily deserve it.
Pregnancy is a funny thing. On one hand, its something that can be shared in every way possible between two people. But on another hand, its nearly impossible for someone (being the partner) who's not pregnant to fully understand what you're going through at any given moment. That is the most frustrating part. In some ways, I'd give my left sore boob for A to be able to really understand what I'm going through. But then, what fun would only one sore boob be?
Yes, I may fall asleep like a narcoleptic at any given moment. Yes, I may cry over every commercial that has a baby in it. Yes, I may feel like I'm going to die and whine like a baby when nausea hits. Yes, I may be so hungry at any given moment that I will claw your eyes out until you stop the car and get me food. But its the hormones talking--not me....I SWEAR!!
Now, where's my snack!?!?