Saturday, April 19, 2014

We've got a crawler!

Over the last few months, Adly has been inching her way towards a crawl. This is an exciting time to witness. She first began with little dives, grabbing at toys and then sitting back up. You know, just workin those abs out.

Then she advanced to sitting up on her own from laying. Let me tell you, the first time you walk into the nursery or check the monitor and see your little one just sitting and happily playing in their crib when you know you left them laying down is kind of a bizarre experience. For some I know it's not so easy, as some babies do not handle this new ability so well. It can be scary being in a new position and not knowing how to get back down. Thankfully our child figured it out on her own and seemed to act from day one like this new sitting thing was no big deal.

After this, Adly began devising creative ways to move about. If anything like a pillow or your body was in her way, she would writhe and wriggle her body until she got to where she wanted to be. Or she'd give it a valiant effort and then whine until she got help from more able humans. 

Then came the fake outs. We had weeks of this. Where she'd dive forward, get on all fours, even rock a little, then sit back up. This usually got her moving in circles or at least inch by inch towards where she wanted to go. Of course, every time she did this, we'd all jump to attention, whip out our cameras, video cameras, iPads, and start recording. Then she'd giggle and sit back up. Such a tease!

Then we got to thinking. If there's one thing this girl loves, it's electronics. That little snake can sniff out a phone, computer, iPad, remote, baby monitor from a mile away. Even hidden under the depths of pillows and blankets, she knows it's there. She will do anything to trick you, fake you out, and use you, just to get to what she's not supposed to have. I can't tell you how many times I've been duped by the "mama let me up, I love you," sweetest look ever as I sit, confined to the couch. I'll pick her up, only to have her thrash and wriggle her way under the blankets or pillows where she knows the goods are hidden. 

So we bribed her into crawling. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. She's just begun to dance (real quick: this baby phenomenon happens out of nowhere and is the cutest thing ever!) and looooves Pharell's "Happy". We placed Adly on the floor and then using a laptop put on the video for "Happy" with all the colorful minions dancing around. Like dangling meat in front of a hungry lion, she wanted it. NOW. Sure enough she dove on all fours ready to go. But first she needed a little dance sesh. Then she was off. It's a little wobbly, a little unsure, and only a few little "crawl" steps. But it's happened. My baby girl is officially on the move!

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