Speaking of baby, this month's biggest phase has been a spurt in the development of imaginative play. A while back, our pediatrician had recommended getting Adly a "baby" doll. I didn't think much of it until one day, out of desperation, I picked one up to help avert her from hitting mommy. I used baby to show her how to be gentle and not hit. That worked like a charm and baby has now evolved into her own "baby". She mimics the things I do with her, laying baby down and putting a blankie on baby saying "nye nye". She also feeds baby pretend food and today gave baby "medicine". (The medicine was her putting the nasal spray up to the baby's nose like she's been getting during this recent cold).
Cooking has also been a big part of her imaginative play. After purchasing some cooking supplies from the dollar store, she is loving to "cook" and tell us what she's cooking for us. This has also carried over into her meals. She loves naming all of the food items she's eating before she eats it. Our meals usually consist of saying "milk" (drinks milk), "fishies" (eats a bite of fish), "peeeeas" (eats a pea), "apple" (eats pear). You get the point. It's amusing to see her list and name the things she's intaking.
At 16 months Adly has also really become mama's little mini me. She is more interested than ever in what mama is doing at all times of the day. She follows around behind me wherever I go in the house, always clinging or sticking close to my legs. As I get ready in the morning she stands and looks through my closet, sighing and repeating what I say. I've learned I say "ummmm!" and "hmm, let's see" quite a bit, as that is what I keep hearing from my shadow! Despite the fact I've tripped over the little human nipping at my heels many times lately, I have to admit it is something amazing to have your little one be so interested in what you are doing all day.
A few weeks ago, we got the cutest "ooooh man!" from Adly when the three of us were pretending to put baby to bed together. During this session of play, Adly suddenly stood up, leaned up against our bed and then dropped herself slowly to the ground sighing and saying "ohhh, man!" like she was beyond exhausted from a hard days' work. It was the cutest thing she's done to date and of course, she hasn't done it since.
Lastly, this month can't go by without mention of Adly's first Halloween and the most perfect costume ever. Our cow-obsessed child got to become one with the cow this year. She mooed her little heart out (when she felt like it of course) and owned that cow costume. We went to multiple Halloween events so she got to wear the costume over and over again, which still wasn't enough for this cow. No, the cow has even made a few more post-Halloween appearances because, who ever said you need a holiday to dress as a cow?
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