Sunday, September 29, 2013

Battle of the Swaddle

I'm the first one to admit that I'm quite stubborn. But here's something that's hard to admit. My daughter appears to be just as stubborn.

Uuuugggghhhh. Why!?!? Why won't my offspring just agree with everything I make her do!?!

I've noticed bits of her stubbornness here and there since her arrival, yet I've chosen to ignore it. Ignorance is bliss, in my opinion. But today, it smacked me in the face.

As I've mentioned before, Adly is akin to Houdini when it comes to getting out of her swaddles. And wouldn't you know, if she's not swaddled, she won't sleep. Today as I laid her down for her nap, I swaddled her up nice and tight, kissed her on the head and walked out. Of course I immediately went to see what she was up to on the monitor since I could hear she wasn't sleeping yet. Wouldn't you know, she had ALREADY wriggled out of her swaddle. Hmph. So I quickly whisked into the bedroom and re-swaddled her. No big deal.

Five minutes later, she was still talking and whining. Then I heard the famous smacking of her fist in her mouth. Seriously!?! She was out again!?!

So I went back in again. This time I was sure to swaddle her as tight as possible. There. Let's see with you do with that! Hah!

A short time later..... you guessed it. She was out again. If you've lost count, this was the THIRD time she got out. At this point, it was almost becoming a game. I saw it in her eyes. She was looking up at me with a smirk thinking, "Oh, you're going to try it again, are ya mommy? Go for it. Give me everything you got."

I could NOT lose this game. So I swaddled her AGAIN. She was pissed. I was pissed. But I was determined to come out the winner. Annnd wouldn't you know, five minutes later....yep.

Now there was no backing down. It had been almost a half hour since I'd laid her down. She was wide awake. But I had to win. I had to beat my 11 week old daughter. It's my stubborn nature. I must win. So this time, I went in with guns blazing. I pulled out another swaddle that we use for night time that is more heavy duty. I quickly whipped off her nap time swaddle that I now wanted to throw out the window, and slid her into the new one.

Now she was really pissed. No worries, sister, I'm right there with you. But your stubborn ass of a mother is not letting you get away with this. 

I quickly velcroed her tiny body up in the new swaddle and walked out. This time, I knew I was going to be victorious. I just had to be.

Taking bets on who finally won this battle? There's only one way I was able to write this post....

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