Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Field Of Dreams

As summer is rapidly winding down, I've suddenly found myself with a last minute bucket list of things I want to squeeze in before work starts again. One thing we talked about all summer long was going to a Cubs game. Adam grew up as a die-hard Cubs fan and he wants nothing more than to instill that love with his own daughter. This Tuesday, Adam found himself with two night game tickets and we decided we just had to go. All summer, we've hemmed and hawed about going to night games with Adly because they're past her bedtime. And while at this point in the sleep-training game I'm ok with her staying up later occasionally, she is so trained that it's rare she'll make it past 7:30.

With the weather looking so beautiful and the time before I go back to work tick-tocking away, we decided to pack up and head to the field. Living blocks from Wrigley is really something I've been so spoiled by. A short 10 minute walk from our house and there we are, amidst crowds of baseball fans, cheering, and very overpriced Old Style beers. It's really something we need to take advantage of far more often.

We weren't sure about strollers in the stadium, so we decided to heft Adly into the baby bjorn one last time. (She's on the verge of exceeding the weight limit for that sucker). We weren't sure about what to bring for her since they're always so strict about beverages and food. However I decided to tuck in a package of Mum-Mum crackers for her just in case. Turns out strollers are allowed in the stadium (they were everywhere!) and they don't seem too concerned with food or drinks in bottles, at least not in our case. Next time, I'll fill her bottle with water and avoid the $4 bottle of water at the park.

Another thing to note is that Wrigley does something cute for baseball game first-timers. You can walk up to a stand and get a certificate with your child's name on it and the date of the game. The certificate has a picture of Wrigley, and it's free! A cute little keepsake to have to remember your first visit with your wee one by.

Adly loved every second of being there and lasted a whole 3 innings! She even actually watched some of the game, but her favorite thing to do was turn around and stare at the older gentleman sitting behind us. Not sure what it was about him, but Adly couldn't stop staring at him. He tried making her smile or laugh, but in return she'd only give him a continuous, awkward stare. He seemed to not mind. I've really got to get working on her people watching skills. 

I'm so glad we got the chance to go. What a great way to add another memory to our first full summer as a family.

Posing on the chair recovering project that is *still* in progress. 

Hitching a ride with dada!

Family pics. 

My little sunshine. 

"For reals, mom? I don't have time to smile for selfies. There's baseball to watch."

Cheering for her Cubbies. 

Little girl in a big seat!

Ballpark snuggles. (I swear I wasn't pissed. I have perma-RBF.)

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