Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's in a Name?

Like a lot of things in our relationship, picking our baby girl's name came very easily to Adam and I. In fact, it actually happened by accident. Kind of.

It dawned on me recently that I've never shared her name on the blog. I'm not sure why, there wasn't any intention behind it. I just never did I guess. Before we found out she was a girl, an overwhelming number of people had warned me to keep the name a secret--mostly due to people's opinions. We thought about doing that, but lets be honest, we're both big mouths. Plus, I honestly don't care if people don't like her name.

When Adam and I discussed children before we were married, we both agreed that their names would have to be personal in some way. We wanted them to either be carried on from another generation or have a meaning behind it that meant something to us. We also wanted them to be unique.

When we first moved in together a few years ago, I was setting up our internet name. It's the name that is visible to other people when they are looking for internet access, so obviously I didn't want it to be our real names. Being the clever gal that I am, I took our names and "celebritized" them. You know, like "Benifer" or "Brangelina". So totes orig.

Anyways, our celebrity mashup internet name became Adly Brockson (a combo of our first and last names). We're like, totally just like the celebs. Over the next year, we'd obviously always see the name pop up when we were on our computers. At one point, Adam mentioned the name "Adly" would be really cute for a little girl one day. And just like that, the name stuck.

Of course when we found out we were pregnant, we knew if it was a girl, her name had to be Adly. At that point, I researched the name, and it turns out it actually is a name. Although, it's known more as a boys name than a girls name. Even better- makes it more unique!

As for her middle name, again, we wanted it to be personal and have meaning. This one we struggled with for a while. For our next child, we intend to carry on Adam's middle name (his mothers' maiden name). That was the plan if this one was a boy, but now it will be that, regardless of the sex. Therefore, we decided to pull the middle name for our baby girl from my family.

Of course, in reality, the most important thing to me in picking the middle name was that you could yell the first and middle name together quickly and smoothly in sequence (you know, for those days when she needs to know she's really in trouble).

We bounced around a number of different names and then one day randomly came up with Danielle. Daniel is my dad's name and after testing it out, (the yell test of course) we decided it was perfect! To help it match his name more, we changed the spelling to Daniele.

So there it is. Our daughters' name is Adly Daniele.

We absolutely love the name and couldn't be more excited to have her here, see her face and call her by her name. Almost seems like it was fate....


  1. Cutest little girls name ever :) I can't wait to meet her!!

  2. Love it!
    Think Tim and I can name our child Tiren? Laurim? Timen? Won't work for us haha ;)


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