Monday, January 21, 2013

Groundhogs Day

No, today is not Groundhogs Day. It is, however MLK Day and our president's Inauguration Day. Both of which deserve a mention as they are major events in our nation. Whatever your political position, the fact of the matter is that we have a president being sworn in today. As we all hope, its someone that will continue to have our best interests in mind. MLK Day marks a day to remember the service Martin Luther King Jr. provided for our country pushing for equal rights. In a time where many still do not have equal rights, I do think its important to remember all the good he did for our country.

Now, back to us and our measly lives consisting of bringing a healthy baby into the world. Today we had a check-up with my regular OB-GYN. We love these visits. We also love our doctor, which is fun. Not only do A and I get to pepper her with incessant questions but I also get to be weighed and yet again, pee in a cup.

This is what brings me to feeling like I'm Bill Murray living in Groundhogs Day. I wake up and repeat the same damn things over and over again. Here it is, ladies, pregnancy in a nutshell: being stabbed for blood, peeing in a cup, repeat. Sure, theres other fun things like sickness, pain everywhere and getting huge, but those are the main two things pregnancy consists of. I kid you not.

I've had my blood taken more times than I can count in the last 2 months. Additionally, any time I set foot in a doctors office these days, I'm asked to pee in a cup. How fun it is, I might add, when your pee stream refuses to come out straight and only shoots everywhere. Disgusting, I know...but its the truth. Now when I go to the doctor, as I exit I'm handed a handful of forms guiding me to the dreadful blood bank office which will only draw more blood. FOR WHAT!?! What else can they possibly need to know? I'm pregnant, people. I'm healthy too. Leave my arms alone!!

Only I won't say that. I'll drag myself into the office yet again. Look away as they stab me. And nod when they ask if I'm doing OK, even though I feel as though I'm going to pass out.

On a good note, we got to hear Baby B's heartbeat today and that sucker was pounding away. It even moved as the doctor was prodding around my belly. I couldn't feel Baby B moving, but we could hear it. I couldn't help but giggle to myself and think its just annoyed that we're prodding around in its space. My friend Missy told me last night a co-worker's baby who is much farther along will kick out when someone touches the belly. I can't wait to mess with Baby B all the time poking and prodding to make it kick and punch out at us. Its just another way that its all becoming so real, this little baby of ours.


  1. Awe, it really is becoming more 'real'! Love you guys :)

  2. Sure is Jamers! P.S. I love that you post under VV. Those were the days! :) xoxo


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