Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Where am I? Who am I?

My upper back has been in pain since this weekend. A non-stop dull pain that seems to not want to go away. The longer it goes on, the more I'm thinking it has to do with the new boulders my shoulders are trying to get used to carrying.

Yesterday I bought a heating pad, which has brought some relief. I've also tried sleeping on a pillow to change the arch of my back at night. Problem is, I'm a back sleeper. As I get bigger, sleeping on my back becomes more of a no-no apparently due to pressure on a major blood vessel? I don't know. Either way, I'm trying to train myself to sleep on my side. So now, at night I have a new pillow shoved under me and a husband who bless his heart, magically wakes up every time I flip to my back to wake me up and tell me I can't sleep on my back.

So maybe it has to do with the lack of sleep or the back pain distracting me, but "Pregnancy Brain" also seems to have set in.

Those of you that know me well, probably know my forgetful tendencies. I'm very organized and detailed in most aspects of my life. But in others....lets just say sometimes I act as though I have advanced Alzheimer's or I've been smoking dope daily since I was 5. Keys: if they are not on the key rack they're lost. Hat: never know where it is. Phone: always leave it behind. Water bottle: leave it everywhere. Thankfully, I was led to a man who somehow has a knack for remembering where it is I lose my objects. He keeps me sane in so many ways. I can't tell you the number of times I've lost something....looked EVERYWHERE only to ask him where it is and he knows right away.

Monday, the story below really happened.

I spent literally the entire day reminding myself I needed to go to Target after school. I remembered from the night before thinking I should go to Target. I spent the WHOLE day thinking about going to Target so I wouldn't forget to go there. So when I got out of school, I did just that. I went to Target. I got into Target and started wandering. Up and down the aisles. Looking, touching, staring and I kid you not, trying desperately to remember WHY it was I went there.

I had absolutely NO idea. None whatsoever. After almost 20 minutes, I started to panic. So I texted A. "What are you doing? Hey, why did I come to Target?" No answer. One minute later, "So, can you remember what I needed?" No answer. Then I placed a frantically embarrassed call to him and he finally answered. After getting a good laugh, he said simply, "a heating pad".

(Head slap on the forehead). I KNEW IT! There was a reason! Thats right! Help for my damn back pain.

How am I going to survive the next 7 months? And yes, its 7 more months. For all you suckers who believe the hype of 9 months....ha. ha. ha. Its actually 10 months. Don't believe what they tell you!

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