Sunday, December 23, 2012

Morning Sickness: you evil B.

Morning sickness. The term itself is quite deceiving. In fact, one of the most interesting things about pregnancy is no single pregnant woman or pregnancy for that matter is alike. Everyone is different. When it comes to morning sickness, it can mean many things. Nausea, throwing up, gagging, sweats, chills, headaches and I'm sure countless other symptoms. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

In my case, I still feel as though I've been quite lucky. Being that I was 7 weeks along before I even had an inkling I could be pregnant, my symptoms just weren't that strong besides sore boobs. Alright, there may have been other signs but we all know by now I'm clearly not the sharpest pencil when it comes to this stuff. Anyways, morning sickness for me does not come in the mornings. In fact, I feel great every morning. No, my time of desperation and despair comes in the evenings, randomly. It hits me like a ton of bricks and knocks me down square. I'll admit, I'm a sensitive Sally when it comes to being sick. I don't handle it well. At all.

I'll be feeling just fine...then comes the nausea out of nowhere. Everything smells awful, everything looks awful, everything sounds awful. I lay down. Then it feels like I'm going to vomit all over. Only I don't. I lay moaning and groaning with the constant pressure of almost feeling like puking in my throat. Then come the chills and the sweats. Thats when I'm sure its over. Death is upon me. I'm not going to make it. I start saying my goodbyes in my head, preparing for the worst. And then, its all over. Just like that....and I fall asleep. At 8pm.

A has been amazing through all of this. He's begun last second runs for Sprite or saltines, whichever I'm in desperation for at the moment. Although, this is clearly not what he strives for. What A can't wait for are the cravings. Which he's absolutely positive are going to be in line with his cravings. Last night while I was on the brink of a sure morning sickness death, he so sweetly ran out to get Sprite for me. As he came in, he excitedly pulled out a box of Skinny Cow peanut butter and chocolate ice cream sandwiches too. "Look what I got!" A said excitedly. "You probably really have a craving for these, don't you!!?? These will be SO good!"

My insides were churning and "Uggghhh" was all I could muster. After the shadow of death had passed over me, he brought up the sandwiches again. And thats also when we (I) were able to have a good laugh about how excited he is for cravings...and how so far only his cravings have been present. But thats OK, right? Future dad's get to feel some of the pregnancy...and if thats the part he gets to feel, I couldn't be more excited for him.

In other news, here is our first belly pic. Its just barely starting to pop out in the evenings. Just enough to make me unbutton my pants like I do on Thanksgiving...every night of the week. This was taken right before A took us out for a nice Christmas dinner downtown and shopping...all of which was stopped short by another bout of morning sickness. Oh the joys!!

Week 10:

1 comment:

  1. "Death is upon me. I'm not going to make it. I start saying my goodbyes in my head" Hahaha I'm enjoying your blog if you haven't noticed :)


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