Saturday, December 15, 2012


The end of this week has brought on a boatload of worries. In some ways, I know that the idea of being a parent has definitely not set in. And when it does hit me, it happens at the most random of times. Yesterday, 20 innocent children lost their lives in a senseless act. 20 children who's parents dropped them off that morning, kissed them goodbye and waved to them as they bounded into school to learn something new in the safety of their school and classrooms. 20 of those innocent, short lives ended yesterday, never to come home into their parents arms again.

My 2nd graders earned a behavior party yesterday. For them, it meant being able to watch a movie and have free choice time. For me, it was extra grading time. While taking a break from grading, I happened to scan through the news on my phone. I was beyond shocked and horrified to hear the news from CT. Stopping to look around the room, I was taken aback by the horrifying nature of the act. Here in front of me were 20 amazing, smart, beautiful children who still have a chance to live their lives. How could someone do something so awful? As I stood in shock thinking to myself, a student came up to me and gave me the biggest hug out of nowhere and handed me this:

Funny how things happen sometimes, isn't it? I like to think there was a reason she handed this to me at the exact moment she did. (Side note: students do not call me by my full name....first names are such a mystery to them that when they find them out it becomes really cool to call us by it any chance they get where they "think" they won't get in trouble for it. Sneaky little ones slide it in with a sweet book like this thinking I'll overlook such things.)

Its so sad to me that eventually, these sweet children will have to learn the harsh realities of our world. That there is so much hatred out there and so many innocent people do lose their lives on a daily basis. It was the first time I stopped and thought one day my own child will be in a classroom. And I can only hope that their teacher will do everything he/she can do to protect the my own child from the harshness of our world. Make sure you take a minute today, or everyday for that matter, to take it all in. Look around and see the good in what we have and what we have been given.


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