Thursday, November 14, 2013

4 Months

Adly's 3rd month was an exciting one, with many changes, most of which were noticeable even on a day-to-day basis. It never ceases to amaze me how much babies grow and change during this time. Here's life with Adly as she enters into her 4th month of life:

-She is "talking" non-stop these days. The weekend she turned 4 months, she began making a loud, singing type of noise. She now does this as her regular way of communication and it is beyond cute.

-She also recently discovered her feet. Her favorite thing is to lay on her back while "chatting" away, grabbing at her toes and feet. She investigates them when there's socks on them and sticks them in her mouth whether there's socks on them or not. Who knew feet could invoke such awe and wonder!?

-Teething. We've officially entered the stage of, "maybe she's teething?" that will likely last for the next year. While no teeth have come through her gums, the child gnaws on anything in site. Her favorites are hands, fingers, Sophie the Giraffe, burp cloths, her O-Ball Rattle....basically anything within reach.

-This stage has also brought on the drool. When Adly was born, I received tons of bibs. I almost packed them away to bring out once she began eating solids because I just couldn't foresee any use for them until then. Now I get it. She constantly drools like a dog that has a meaty steak dangling in front of it. These bibs seem to help keep some of it off of her clothes.

-Adly loves to imitate anyone who is in front of her now. Her favorites are mouth movements, especially using her tongue to blow bubbles and making fart noises.

Please note the drool. 

-She's working hard at sitting up and loves to be assisted in doing so. When we try laying her down anymore, she grunts as she attempts to sit up on her own. I think once she got a taste of seeing the world around her in a new way, she didn't want to give it up. Laying down is soooo last month!

-While my little Rover daughter rolled over multiple times in a 24 hour span in her 3rd month, her desire to perform such tricks now changes with the weather. She still can't stand tummy time and her latest protest to it has been to just lay there and shove her fist in her mouth. Someday, you stubborn child, you.


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