Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fromunda My Neck

You've all heard of fromunda cheese, right?!? If you haven't, go ask a teenage or college boy...or someone with comparable maturity levels to find out what it is.

But did you know that babies produce real fromunda cheese?! I'm now lovingly referring to it as "fromunda my neck" cheese. It's not tasty...ick, I gag. And it certainly doesn't smell good.

In the weeks after Adly made her entrance into this world, at times I'd notice an awful smell as I was holding her over my shoulder. That smell was kind of like a mixture of puke and cheese. Sounds yummy, right? I always just assumed it was left over spit up that I had missed. That was, until one day she was napping away on my shoulder, with her neck stretched out. The awful smell came wafting over me again. As I began to investigate more closely, I noticed the collection of a cheese- like substance in my daughters fat folds of her neck. GROSS!! I quickly threw her off me and ran to the bathroom to vomit. Just kidding. In reality, I wiped it with my finger and smelled it up close. Seriously. Why do people do this to themselves? Sure stunk like shit. 

Why does this happen? Well these little sweeties don't have necks yet, nor can they hold their heads up regularly. Instead they have layers of delectable fat rolls that provide the perfect breeding ground for the yeast that dribbles from their mouths after eating. To add to the matter, in the case of my munchkin, she hates having someone control where her head is going to go. So scrubbing out the curds of cheese is always a difficult process. 

Thankfully, the smell itself is enough motivation to fight the wee ones and endure the screams just to get to the bottom of the folds. Because I've learned wiping the cheese away with your finger and smelling it doesn't get rid of the cheese. No, you need to get in there with a wet washcloth of any kind and scrub away. Now that I'm a veteran in the war against fromunda my neck cheese, I clean under there almost daily. She still screams and cries as I dig and wipe away at her fat folds, but to me it's all worth it to not have to smell that smell ever again.

If you haven't gagged enough yet, I've even got picture evidence of the fromunda.

 Luckily for you, there's no smell o'screen. 

She's still cute. Cheese and all. 


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