Thursday, April 25, 2013

Belly Up

I'm growing. A lot. Only, I have yet to fully accept just how much.

While I'm still requiring the amount of sleep I needed in the first trimester, my body is now suddenly 3x the size of what it used to be. Not to mention there is now a rather heavy bulge in front of me that is quite awkward.

When it comes to sleep, as I've mentioned, I'm now mostly on my sides. My Snoogle has made its debut again and is soooo incredibly comfortable. The only downside is that it too, is awkward. So while most people flip from side to side with ease in their sleep, I'm a bumbling giant trying to unwrap my legs from the Snoogle contraption then hoist myself over to the other side. None of this is an easy feat, let alone when you're comatose from your deep sleep. I've been waking myself up as I grunt and lose my breath trying to get from one side to another. And as I type this I think...there's still 2-1/2 more months to's only going to get worse!

Another new hinderance my belly has been causing is putting on shoes. Who knew? It's nearly impossible to put on my shoes standing up anymore!

The other day I was in the bedroom grunting my way into a pair of boots. Or should I say, grunting as I attempted to even get my leg high enough to get into the boot. Adam finally came in to see what the hell I was doing only to find his lovely wife, just attempting to put on her shoes. Of course he recommended I have a seat and give it a try. But please, who has time for such things!?!

It's amazing how quickly the belly grows and how unaware the rest of your body and mind are of the growth. A big part of me still wants to think I'm still in the glorious second trimester. I swear, if pregnancy ended there, I'd happily be knocked up over and over again. I can fully appreciate now why they call it the honeymoon period of pregnancy.

Then there's my clothes. I was pretty excited for maternity clothes (once I found the cute ones). I'm sorry but jeans with elastic at the top are the most genius invention ever. How they've managed to stay hidden in only the maternity section of stores is beyond me. I've been wearing maternity pants since December, so believe me, I love them. But yet I still find myself trying with all my might to squeeze into my normal clothes...and pants.

The pants are the best. I have two pairs of skinny pants that still the legs. So I wear them completely unzipped with my trusty belly band to cover up the zipper area. I know, its terrible. But I just can't stop!

Then today I had a student tell me, "I like your shirt."

Only, it's not a shirt. It was a dress (don't worry I had leggings on!) from my pre-preggo days. Only then did I stop to think...maybe it's time to fully make the switch to the dark side of only maternity?

But lets be honest. I'm going to keep squeezing into my normal clothes until the last minute. It's just too hard to kiss your whole closet goodbye for so long. Besides, I can't wait to get compliments on all my v-necks turned baby T's with my exposed burgeoning belly this summer!

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