Tuesday, April 23, 2013

28 Weeks

In the ever changing world of pregnancy, not much has changed for me in the last 3 weeks, thankfully. Besides my burgeoning belly growing and causing more and more mobility issues, I'm not feeling any different. Please don't strike me down for saying that. I'm trying not to jinx myself...but its true!

I'm still feeling really tired and sleeping through the night. I'm still hungry every waking hour. I'm trying my best to eat healthier, but it doesn't always happen. Still love me some sweets. And anything chewy is still my best friend.

Here's what has changed. Adly's movements have gotten a lot stronger as she has grown and her living space has gotten smaller. These days I can actually see her "crawling" across my belly as she moves from one side to another. If I'm sitting down and bend forward, she clearly doesn't like her even more cramped space so she starts kicking and clawing. At those times, I can actually feel her little limbs! Now THAT is a weird feeling.

Sleeping on my back, something I worried about at 14 weeks but never stopped doing, is rapidly becoming next to impossible. I wake up dizzy or out of breath whenever I end up on my back (although I have no clue how long that takes to happen). For the most part I'm adjusting to being on either side at night. And when I flip from side to side, she wakes up and moves around, readjusting with gravity. Its funny, now I can't imagine not having something living in my belly.

I'm also getting more and more awkward compliments. You know, the "Oh, you look bigger!" or "I'm not sure how to say this but ummm....you look really pregnant now!" I'm not sure there is a polite way to say someone is looking much larger around the middle. But I don't care either way. I've longed to look like I'm knocked up so my feelings can finally match my body. Now people won't think I'm a crazed lunatic when I'm yelling about nonsense or crying over next to nothing. They'll just look away and say, "don't worry. She's just a hormonal psychopathic pregnant lady. She'll be back to normal in a few months."

On that note, I can also see my hormones raging more than they have in a while. I've decided to keep the drama and rants from the last two days of my life off of this blog. I enjoy it as an outlet for happy thoughts and the hilarity of my every day life. But if you want to hear a real pregnant woman rant, talk to me about maternity leave in the U.S. and our lovely mayors' new health plan roll out. That'll really bring out the pregnant woman hormonal psychosis.

Here's the belly, 28 weeks:

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