Thursday, April 11, 2013


The first trimester hit me hard. In fact, my sudden incessant need for sleep was one of the main things that clued me into something not being right (even though it took 2 months for me to do something about it).

In the first trimester and even into the second, it became my pattern to fall asleep around 7 or 8 on the couch, then have Adam wake me up around 10pm to drag myself into bed. I would then sleep through the entire night, no problem. On a real good day, there'd even be an after school nap on top of that. I just couldn't get enough sleep.

Then suddenly somewhere in the 2nd trimester, my old sleeping patterns came back to life. No more napping, no more falling asleep early. But then there was my trusty bladder. Suddenly I was waking up throughout the night to go pee. Even then, I could still get a good night's sleep relatively easy.

Certainly there have been nights of insomnia or odd sleeping times, but for the most part, I've been sleeping more soundly than ever before.

Now enter the 3rd trimester. I've been mentally preparing for more sleepless nights, random waking times, facebooking at 3am, no comfortable sleeping positions, etc. That's what I've witnessed all the other preggo's I'm friends with on FB go through. Of course, as I've learned, everyone is different in pregnancy. For now, I'm reverting back to the 1st trimester! I just can't get enough sleep these days. The last few nights I've even gone back to falling asleep on the couch at an unholy hour only to be groggily woken up and stumble into bed.

And my bladder. My poor, poor bladder. I've been sleeping so deeply I haven't even been waking up to pee. (No, I'm not reverting back to childhood and college days of peeing the bed, thankfully). Instead, I wake up in pain to the sound of my alarm completely out of it.

Who knows if this will last. Any day now I could enter into the world of mommy insomnia, never to sleep soundly again. But for now, I'm going to enjoy the ride for as long as its willing to stick around.

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