Wednesday, June 26, 2013

shot, shot, shot, shooooot!

Unfortunately we're not having a party at the moment with Lil' Jon cheering us on in the background, telling us to take shots.

No, my friends, we live in the exciting world of pregnancy. Therefore, our shots come in the form of required vaccinations even us parents have to have. And by parents, I mean myself and Adam. Two weeks ago at my last checkup with my OB/GYN, she tried to get me to get the Whooping Cough vaccine. Problem was, I still had to pack up my classroom and the shot leaves your arm pretty sore. So I put it off until tomorrow's visit. She also ordered me to have Adam get the shot. Guess who was not excited about that request?

Let me just try to capture how that conversation went.

Adam: What?! I don't really have to get the shot, do I?
Me: Yes, you do.
Adam: it going to hurt??!!
Me: (Do you even know what I'm about to go through? You don't get to talk about pain!!) It might. But not so much that a sucker wouldn't be able to fix the pain.
Adam: are they going to give it to me in a vein? What if they miss the vein?
Me: (Are you kidding me?!? A VEIN?!) Oh no, they'll just give you a little poke in your upper arm. Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit.

So today, I dragged him to our local CVS to get his arm stabbed. My reason for going with was two-fold. One, I wanted to ensure he got it done. Two, and most importantly, I wanted to see him suffer. Especially after the conversation we had about the shot.

Sure enough, he survived.

And with that, I continue my thoughts how there is no way possible there would be a human race today if men were the ones in charge of carrying a child.

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