Tuesday, March 5, 2013

the breast thing ever!

This week, I discovered something incredible. Brace yourself.

Some health insurances cover the expense of breast pumps. And mine is one of those. Woah!

I cannot tell you how happy this makes me, for a multitude of reasons. For one, breast pumps are not cheap by any means. Why does it cost so much to turn yourself into a human cow for an extended period of time? You got me.

I'd like to breast feed, although I don't have strong feelings about it either way. As long as the baby has nutrients and is well fed either by nature or formula, thats what should matter most. But from what I've heard, breast feeding is not the easiest thing in the world. There are countless issues that can come up causing you to be unable to breastfeed. How sad would it be to put so much money into boobie pumping materials, only to have them sitting, collecting dust in the nursery closet.

I had heard about some insurances covering breast pumps but hadn't thought much about it, assuming there has to be a catch or mine definitely wouldn't be one of those companies. Then the other day I decided to look into it, just for giggles. I'm so glad I did! Turns out two brands of electric pumps are covered by my health insurance. With all of the drama that surrounds health insurance and politics these days, I myself am happy the companies are starting to take the needs of so many women into consideration.

So if you're expecting, definitely look into it. It could be the breast thing ever for you, your budget, and your baby. Alright, I'm done using breast in place of best, even though it's so fun.


  1. This was by far your 2nd brest post. In keeping with the theme, here is an actual product that runs with your joke. We are big fans! Definitely register for one of these.

  2. Thanks Nick! I can't believe you're keeping abreast of things outside of your house right now! I'm overdue for a CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So glad little Sam made it safely into this world :). And thank you for the breast recommendation ever! Enjoy your time at home as a new daddy.


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