Wednesday, July 31, 2013

3 Weeks!

Hi! I'm 3 weeks today!!

I can't even believe it. She is 3 weeks old. Hard to believe that 3 weeks ago, we were in the hospital at this time counting down the hours until she arrived. Here we are now, 3 weeks out and learning more and more about each other every day. 

In 3 weeks, Adly continues to grow. I don't know exactly how much as we don't go for the one month check up until next week. But I do know she no longer fits into her newborn outfits. Girl likes to EAT. On the topic of eating, she also gets hangry. Just like her mother. What is hangry, you might ask? It's a combination of hungry and angry. Don't you dare withhold food from her or you will get the wrath. And by wrath I mean screaming until she's blue in the face. But of course, the second she gets the boobie, all is again right with the world. 

This girl is the world's best snuggler. She knows how to curl right up into you, wrap her arms around you and sometimes will even stroke my arm as she relaxes. It always warms my heart and makes me want to cry. I never knew you could feel so much love for someone. Can she stay like this forever??

Her snuggling has also made it hard to get up each day. A new pattern we've developed has been after her 5-6am feeding I usually put her in bed next to me where Adam sleeps (he's always at work by then). She either lays on her tummy or her back and falls fast asleep next to me. Sometimes she'll reach her little arm out and lay it on me. I know, I know. She shouldn't be in my bed. She shouldn't be on her tummy while sleeping. But I'm always awake for the most part and keeping an eye on her. It's a little piece of mommy and baby time I've started to really enjoy.

Her sleeping stretches are getting longer and longer. We're putting her down between 8:30-9pm and her first chunk now lasts until between 2-3am. As of this week, I'm getting up only 2 times a night to feed her on average. I recently read a post from another mom of a toddler who was looking back on the previous years and with sadness realized she never celebrated the "end" of certain milestones for her baby. As much as I look forward to things like the night time feedings to end, I can't tell you what an incredible bonding experience that is. We wake up in the dark, I change her and feed her all without talking. But during this time we both stare at each other. I give her lots of kisses and she holds on with her little bitty hands and arms. Very soon this will end and while I'll probably be excited for more sleep, I'm also going to miss it greatly.  

She continues to be a really calm baby...unless, like I mentioned before, you attempt to withhold her from her snack. Her longest awake time is always in the morning, although lately she's staying awake into the afternoons and sometimes evenings too. I love this time. With her eyes wide open, she's beginning to take in everything around her. 

Finally, after some trial and error with lots of projectile vomiting sessions, we've found a bottle that works for her as well as a way to feed her when I can't. We're not bottle feeding often, only the occasional times mommy needs to have a glass or two of wine. 

With that, we head into the final days of month one. I'm not ready to accept she's almost a month old yet. 

 Mommy making me pose. 

 Buds at the zoo. 
 I'm so cute!

 Milk coma dreams. 

 Why hello there, you. 

Oooh...what's that!?!

1 comment:

  1. Precious!!!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures! I hope I get to meet little miss Adly!


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