Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Week

The little miss is already 1 week old. I cannot believe how quickly it flew by. It was so helpful having Adam around up until yesterday. I'm so grateful he was able to take a week off to help me navigate through this experience. 

The first two nights at home were fabulous. Adly slept almost 8 hours total, only waking up twice to eat. HEAVEN. Then came Sunday night and BAM! We talked way too much about how fabulous of a sleeper she was. That night, she decided it was party time, after sleeping all day long. Every hour on the hour she was up crying or just wide awake ready to play. We both took turns trying to soothe her back to sleep, but really all she wanted was the boob and then the other times I think she just wanted to play.

By morning, we were beyond exhausted. I seriously commend parents of colicky babies. Oh my word. Luckily we had her first pediatric appointment first thing on Monday. We love the doctor we chose and she was very thorough with Adly, as well as us. At the appointment she suggested we start a schedule. I cannot tell you how much I live for schedules. I guess it just hadn't dawned on me that that was important even this early. 

Following her advice, we slipped right into schedule as soon as we got home. Adly is now eating on a 2-3 hour basis during the day. Her bedtime routine starts at 9:30pm with some snuggle time or a bath. The lights go very dim and we stop talking to her, signaling it's bedtime. We change, feed and then she goes to bed....usually I join her as well. She wakes up at 1:30am and between 4:30-5am (two nights in a row!) for a change and feeding. Then its back to bed or sleeping on the couch snuggling with mommy until 8 or so and the day begins again. 

I cannot tell you what a difference this has made. Before we were putting her down around midnight (why? I have no idea) and then just waking up whenever she did. Fingers crossed our luck continues with this schedule! 

Over the last week we've had tons of visitors. Adly sure is one little girl. I'll be creating a post soon enough dedicated to all the visitors that have met her so far.  Her personality is coming out more and more. She will definitely let you know when she is mad. She smiles and coo's in her sleep all the time. It is the cutest thing ever. She loooooves to nap on anyone's chest. She curls up like a frog and will sleep until you wake her up. 

Having Adam go back to work on Tuesday was definitely difficult for me...and him. The baby blues have definitely set in and I find myself crying at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I am sad...sometimes I'm not sure why I cry. But I took his first day back really hard. The morning was a shock when I discovered we hadn't put together any bouncer or swing yet so there was nothing safe to put her in while I brushed my teeth, went to the bathroom, ate, etc. I panicked and attempted putting together her bouncer which could've been a comedy show in itself. But, we made it through. 

Day by day, it's getting better and we are all getting into a routine. Once Adam got home and I could think straight, the bouncer came together in no time and this morning it allowed me 15 minutes to get ready. That in itself was priceless!

Here is her first week in just a few of the pictures we took.
First night home. Checking things out. 
Dimples during the night! This was before I learned that night time isn't play time. 

 Snuggles with mommy. Love her so much!

 Face time with daddy.

 Her face filled with wonder while daddy talked to her. 

 First outing for lunch. She did wonderfully- and those legs! 

 Mean mugging me. I don't know where she gets her attitude from??

 Smiles for aunt Nora!

 Morning naps on my chest. Love, love this time. She's so snuggly. 

 Those cheeks! I mean....

Her one week picture. Snoozin' the day away in my arms.

Thank you all for the support and love over the first week. She's an amazing blessing and I can't wait to continue to watch her grow. Now it's time to get ready for our next visitors!!

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