Thursday, March 14, 2013

kickin' it

Something really cool is happening. Well, I think its really cool at least.

Baby girl is kicking like a mad woman lately. The new thing is, her kicks are so prominent! She wakes me up at night, she distracts me throughout the day, she even plays games with me. (At least thats what I think she's doing).

I got home from school today and she began practicing her soccer kicks again. She's getting to a size where I could fully feel where her head and legs were. So crazy! And every time she kicked, I'd push down on the spot twice. Then she'd kick back! I like to think it was our first communication between each other and I've been beaming ever since.

What started as something so weird inside my body has become something so cool, I'll be sad when it ends. Of course then, she'll be here alive and kicking in person, which will be much better.

In belly news, I'm finding bending over to become more of a burden. Getting out of cars is becoming pure comedy as I grunt and pull my way out. I can only imagine how much fun it will be in a few short months. And my winter coat which fits oh so snugly normally is not happy about the belly trying to invade its space. Lets hope spring comes early so I don't end up busting through another jacket!

22 Weeks & Kicking:


  1. Oh Kelly - your stories make me smile!

  2. Aww, thanks Katie! I just want to remember every little detail. :)


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