Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baby B's First Swag

Today Baby B got his/her first winter hat and booties to keep its little feet warm next winter. Oh my gosh it took every ounce of me not to start bawling in front of all my students when I opened it. One of my sweet little ones picked it out and brought it in today as a gift. Its Baby B's first clothing present!

Look at these!! Made me tear up even laying it out to take a picture. I can just picture our little owl all bundled up in these.

So far, I've largely avoided shopping in infant sections of stores. I'm not sure if its because it hasn't hit me yet that I'm having a baby (most likely) or for fear of buying the entire store without blinking an eye. I've always loved shopping for other people's babies....but I've never imagined shopping for my very own. Needless to say, I'm very excited to hit the stores, especially after receiving this today. Its like it was some kind of validation for me to not feel crazy for shopping in baby stores for "my own".

Last night, A and I headed over to our friends Laura and Zach's for dinner. They too are expecting their first child and Laura is only 1 month ahead of me. She's been great to give me the lowdown on whats heading my way as she experiences everything. They so kindly cooked us dinner, although I'm not sure how much I even ate. I don't think Laura and I stopped talking once. It was so awesome to hang out with someone who's in the same boat as me. Don't get me wrong- I have ah-MAZING friends. But all those amazing friends can still drink. And most haven't had a baby. So it was nice to catch up with a friend who knows exactly what I'm going through-right in the moment of it all- even though she's definitely had a rougher go of it than I have ;).

Even better, Laura felt her first kicks last week and the baby's been boppin' away inside her since. I even got to feel it kick after dinner! Such an amazing thing it is, creating a baby. I certainly loved my glimpse into the next few weeks and am patiently (impatiently) waiting for my real bump to show and baby's first kicks.

Happy Wednesday!


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