Sunday, February 24, 2013


In the world of babies and things they need, A and I have not a clue. Sure, I've babysat for years so I know things that work for their kids. But what about mine? What things do we absolutely need and what things are just gimmicks and what things would be good to have but not a necessity?! It's a crazy world out there in baby land!!

Registering for our wedding a short 10 months ago was much easier. A new toaster? Sure! Oooh we need a new clothes iron. And how about a steam mop?! I've always wanted one of those! Baby registering is by far much more difficult. Not only do we not know what our little bundle of joy is going to be like, we don't exactly know what it is we will need in order to keep our little precious happy and safe. 

So, in order to help guide us, we've relied on the advice of one trusty friend who's just been there done that and the book I recommended earlier, Baby Bargains. Today we hit the stores today armed with a long list, my Baby Bargains book and excitement. I do have to say, registering for Baby B actually was much more fun than wedding registering. It helps it all seem much more real and for me, it helped to begin to form an image in my mind of what life with a new baby will be like. We were honestly both excited to be picking things out, although both very overwhelmed.

Here is a conversation that happened at the last store:

Me: Oh, I think we might need one of these little bathtubs for when we give it baths.
A: What? Why? We'll just wash it in the kitchen sink! Its a huge one!
Me: Umm ok. So, we're just going to drop the baby in our sink for bath time?
A: (Scoffs). No, K. I wouldn't just drop it. I would you know, hold it in there. We even have a sprayer!

To be fair, I think we both were exhausted at this point. But A really was trying to make a point that some things we just don't need. Problem is, we don't really know exactly what those things are. This is where having a Type A personality does not come in handy. (Side note: we ended up picking a bathtub that even has a sprayer attached! Can you guess who picked it out?)

Despite our preparation, it's still exhausting trying to determine which brand, price point and safety features are the best. There are so many options out there! But for our first time out, I think we did a good job of getting the essentials nailed down. I honestly don't know how people wait to find out the sex of their baby and I can't believe we thought we were going to. It was impossible not to look at all the adorable clothes options and most of them come in colors that are not exactly unisex. Therefore we've decided to set back out again into the baby land jungle to complete registering after the big reveal next weekend. 

And we just couldn't resist one little buy for Baby B. We both loved this onsie and it was in limited availability so we jumped on it. It's so cute and makes me talk all girly and high voiced and awwww when I look at it. Ahhh I just want Baby B to be here already!!

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