Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Yowza. Was this ever a week. "Grades due week" notoriously sinks me every time. No matter what I do to prevent it. Anyone who makes plans with me during that time typically gets cancelled on last minute, sans apologies. No matter how ahead of the game I think I am, I never am. And then magically, everything gets done just in the nick of time.

Yesterday, the fabric I ordered for the DIY rug I'm doing for Baby B's nursery arrived. It was so soft and squishy I just couldn't wait to get started. So last night began cutting. A's cousin Emily has the appropriate cutting materials for us to begin, but she's out of town this weekend and patience has never been a virtue of mine. Another thing about me is, I do everything and I mean everything, the hard way first. Probably due in part to the impatience.

So last night I sprawled the fabric out on the ironing board (my obvious testament to the fact I am NOT a true crafter) and nervously began measuring and cutting fabric strips to tie into the rug pad I bought a week ago. I ended up ordering 3 colors of neutral jersey-knit fabrics. I started with the first one and found that the strips were too thick. (ie; I broke through three squares on the mat. oops).

As you can see, measuring and cutting is hard work. 
One must have Starbursts in order to work efficiently.

Then I went to the next fabric. At this point, A tried to step in. I don't know why he did, as I'm far too bossy for such things. He attempted cutting a strip (incorrectly of course) and quickly gave up due to my watching like a hawk as he cut. With the next fabric, I began to realize its a much thinner fabric than the first so now my strips were too thin. The same ended up going for the third fabric. As for the hard way first, I know that once Emily arrives with the correct cutting materials, cutting the strips will be a breeze and will be more even and go much faster. But who has time to wait for such things.

My impatience won over again in that once I had a few strips I quickly began tying the strips onto the mat. I was dying to see what it would look like. In a matter of an hour and a half, this is how much I had completed. Not too bad, right? Looks like I did quite a bit.

And then you unfold the mat. And see what looks like an endless desert stretching on as far as the eye can see. The scariest part is that this is folded over 4 times. OMG why did I think I could tackle this project?!?!
The upside is that I have lots and lots of downtime these days thanks to Baby B and my inability to stay awake and therefore my tendency to not make plans. I've also got Emily on my side ready and willing to sit for hours at time and tie knots.

I really like how the rug feels in the small section I've completed and I am excited to see how it turns out. Now the next goal is to actually get it all done before July.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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